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Boost winter wellness with a regular dose of laughter 

Writer's picture: Trish BeauchampTrish Beauchamp

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” Victor Hugo Laughing is a natural health tonic with multiple benefits for helping us endure cold, dreary wintry days. Physical health benefits 1) Laughter boosts our immune system.

Laughing decreases stress levels and at the same time increases the amount of infection-fighting antibodies to protect us from winter illnesses. Laughter is a cost-free health check.


2) Laughter relaxes the whole body and can reduce pain.

 A hearty laugh relieves physical tension and relaxes muscles for up to 45 minutes. Heightened physical pain can be a reality of winter temperatures. Utilising relaxation techniques helps, including laughter. Laughing activates the vagus nerve, our powerhouse for regulating stress levels. When cooped up inside on wet days with fractious children or adults, creating humour can ease friction.

3) Laughter protects our hearts.

 Laughing increases blood flow and blood vessels’ functionality. It helps reduce blood pressure and can be as effective as aerobic exercise. When the weather is too inclement for your daily walk, run or cycle, be creative with indoor exercise that gets you laughing. Dancing to a favourite playlist works for me. Mental health benefits 1) Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. 

 Endorphins act as a natural mood booster and shift our thoughts about the gloomy weather. Scheduling fun nights with family and friends creates enjoyable experiences that are not weather-dependent. Meet-ups at quiz nights, karaoke or cultural events can be part of weekly activities. Dust off the board games or organise a card-playing evening.

2) Laughter builds resilience against depressive thoughts.

Lack of sun and warmth can negatively influence our well-being. Unpleasant feelings may arise when experiencing unpleasant weather. Laughter creates lightness in our souls. It warms and calms our minds like nourishing soup warms our bodies. 3) Laughter strengthens relationships.

 Laughter eases tension and can promote group bonding. We appreciate humour when we trust others to laugh with us and not at us. Sharing laughter with others does need to be a safe connection.

How can you bring laughter into your daily routine? Your well-being will thank you: mind, body and soul. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” Proverbs 17:22




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